Eastern Phoebe
Chapters & Centers

Come Together!

2021 Virtual Gathering of Mid-Atlantic Audubon Chapters
Photo: Eastern Phoebe. Photo: Robyn Newman/Audubon Photography Awards
Chapters & Centers

Come Together!

2021 Virtual Gathering of Mid-Atlantic Audubon Chapters

It's almost here...the 2021 Mid-Atlantic Audubon Virtual Chapter Gathering on Friday, November 19th and Saturday 20th.

We’ll gather on Friday evening to hear from Mid-Atlantic staff on program highlights and updates. And on Saturday, we have a full day of speakers and discussion sessions along three topic tracks: Conservation & Habitat, Chapter Management, and Outreach & Advocacy. Check out the table below for the current list of sessions and speakers, with more still to come.

Click here to register for the event and choose your topic track!

Friday Highlights


Saturday Sessions

Click here to register for the event and choose your topic track!

How you can help, right now

Audubon Maryland-DC and Audubon Pennsylvania have joined forces to become Audubon Mid-Atlantic.