
Audubon's Birds and Climate Change Report: 314 birds on the brink!

Audubon's newly-released Climate Report sounds the alarm for the Scarlet Tanager, Wood Thrush, Ruffed Grouse, and 81 other species that nest in PA!
Hermit Thrush, Virginia

Audubon's Birds and Climate Change Report: 314 birds on the brink!

Audubon's newly-released Climate Report sounds the alarm for the Scarlet Tanager, Wood Thrush, Ruffed Grouse, and 81 other species that nest in PA!

Audubon's newly-released Climate Report sounds the alarm for the Scarlet Tanager, Wood Thrush, Ruffed Grouse, and 81 other species that nest in PA!

National Audubon Report

Information on birds at risk

Projections for loss of range by species for Pennsylvania birds

Downloadable Resources

How you can help, right now

Audubon Maryland-DC and Audubon Pennsylvania have joined forces to become Audubon Mid-Atlantic.