Schuylkill Highlands “Mini” Big Sit
Saturday, September 11, 2021
7 AM – 10 AM
Click here to register!

Over the last 18 months, dozens of neighbors in 10 townships have partnered with Audubon to plant over 500 native flowers and shrubs on their streamside properties in southern Berks and northern Chester counties. These efforts have helped to improve stream quality, reduce polluted runoff, and make this region a bird-friendly oasis in the heart of the Schuylkill Highlands.
You’ve helped to create a bird-friendly community here through Audubon’s Plants for Birds program and now we invite you to join the Schuylkill Highlands “Mini” Big Sit, a free and fun community science event that welcomes everyone. It's easy and free. Just watch and listen for birds during the "Mini" Big Sit and then load your sightings into eBird, a free and easy-to-use platform for recording – and viewing - bird data. Your data will become part of one of the largest databases in the world and help to inform conservation decisions by scientists, agencies, and non-profits..
Whether you’re birding from your favorite park, counting birds over brunch with your neighbors, or casually keeping track over a cup of morning coffee, you can be a part of this event. Traditional Big Sit events take place over a day or two. The Schuylkill Highlands “Mini” Big Sit is just three hours and you can bird for all or just part if it. This event is as flexible as you and we’re excited to have you join in!
Click here to register!
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